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Thursday, May 11, 2017

The History of Conjuring

The Conjuring' IS based on a 'true story'…our story. However, the film is not based on my trilogy 'House of Darkness House of Light'. It is, instead, based upon the case files of Ed & Lorraine Warren. ... There are liberties taken and a few discrepancies but overall, it is what it claims to be — based on a true story, believe it or not.-Andrea Perron (in a Letter to, June 2013)


How long did the Perron Family live in the Rhode Island farmhouse?

The real Perron family lived in the farmhouse for approximately ten years. Located in the small country town of Harrisville, Rhode Island, Roger Perron and his wife Carolyn purchased the home in the winter of 1970. The 200 acre property offered plenty of space for them to raise their five daughters: Andrea, Nancy, Christine, Cynthia and April. They moved out in June of 1980.

Did Lorraine Warren and the real Perron family support the making of the movie?

(Click to Enlarge) The real Perron sisters (top) with their movie counterparts (bottom) in 2012.

Yes. Our research into The Conjuring true story reveals that paranormal investigator Lorraine Warren acted as a consultant to director James Wan and the filmmakers. She even visited the Wilmington, North Carolina set on the lot of EUE/Screen Gems Studios. The film itself was mostly inspired by she and her late husband Ed Warren's case files and recordings dealing with the 1970s Perron family haunting.

The entire Perron family also put their support behind the film, having already come together to support daughter Andrea Perron's self-published 2011 book about their experience, titled House of Darkness House of Light (available in the right column). Like Lorraine, various members of the Perron family, who where friends with producer Tony DeRosa-Grund, also visited the Wilmington, NC set. Andrea, as expected, has been the most vocal of the group while her sister Christine has been the most reluctant to talk about her experiences in the house.

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